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Google Class Codes
1st- d27cehi
2nd- xhfgpob
3rd- v4t7str
4th- cppgkds
6th- jpz6ybs
7th- jezptey
Senior Class- nn3wv4e
Art Materials
Art materials will be distributed to students as needed for projects in class. Students may purchase personal materials such as colored pencils, ruler, scissors etc. if they feel more comfortable having their own materials on hand.
Please check your google classroom regularly. I will use google classroom to post daily expectations. I will have pictures, videos and instructions posted to give students and parents clear expectations.
R.I.S.E. Classroom Expectations
- All school rules will be followed and enforced.
- Must use E-Hall pass to request a pass out of class. One student out of the class at a time.
- Respect each other, your school, and your art.
- Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings
- Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate language and voice.
- Encourage your fellow classmates in a positive way... treat them fairly and nicely. This room should be a fun and comfortable place for everyone.
Please check Power School for up to date grades.
Please use Google Classroom to turn work in for grading.
Current syllabus is located in your students Google Classroom.
ParentSquare will be used for announcements and parent contact.