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I would like to welcome all parents/guardians and students to West Creek High School for the 2023-24 school year. My name is Robert Ransdell and I am an ELA teacher for English I, and Honors English I. I am excited to welcome you to the next phase of your English educational career! Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns.
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We are currently reading apocalypse fiction for our first unit. We'll wrap up by writing a narrative of our own!


  • Be kind and respectful to the teachers, the classroom, and other students.
  • Be responsible for your own learning (keep up with assignments and absent work, be an active listener, and ask questions).
  • Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERY DAY!
  • Keep all electronic devices put away. This includes cell phones.
  • Follow all WCHS policies.
  • Classroom Books