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Welcome to Criminal Justice! I am excited to enter the 2024-2025 school year. This will be my third year at West Creek High School and my eighth year of working in the district. I teach Criminal Justice 1 & 3 and Criminal Justice Dual Enrollment through APSU. I received my B. S. in Criminal Justice and am a former correctional officer. I also received my M.S. in Educational Leadership. I love being in the Career Technical Education field and showing students the wide variety of opportunities available to them. Being able to watch them apply what they learn to real world events is an amazing and rewarding experience. I know that a new year can present multiple challenges for us all. Just know that we are in this together and I am here for your student. Go Coyotes!
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Google Classroom Codes:

Period 1: 

Period 3:

Period 4:


Period 6/7: 


  • Show up to class on time.
  • Respect is expected. Not only are you expected to respect me, as I will you, but also respect yourself and each other.
  • Be prepared and have all necessary materials for class: pencils, composition notebook and computer.
  • Stay engaged, ask questions, make an effort
  • Be yourself!

Classroom Books