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Hello! My name is Barrett Crane, and I am delighted to be teaching US History and Senior Capstone at West Creek High School. I want to introduce myself as we begin an exciting year. I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Criminology from Florida State University, as well as a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Austin Peay State University. Before completing these degrees, I served as an airborne infantryman for three years in the U.S. Army and an additional five years in the Florida Army National Guard. My family and I have been proud members of the Clarksville community since 2008 when my wife joined the faculty at Austin Peay State University. My job as a social studies teacher is to not only teach historical facts and concepts, but to also better prepare young people to be responsible, contributing members of our society. I look forward to learning and growing with my students during the upcoming year. Let's Go Coyotes, the Creek is Rising!
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All of my classes, both US History and Senior Capstone, will use Canvas as a common Learning Management System (LMS) instead of Google Classroom.  Canvas is much similar to LSMs used by most post-secondary institutions, thereby better equipping our students to thrive beyond high school.

You may access this course through the Canvas icon on CMCSS Class Link.

  • Come to class prepared and ready to learn
  • Be accountable for all of your actions
  • Be respectful of yourself, others and their property
  • All school rules apply to this classroom.

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