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Hello! My name is Nicole Valadares, and I am thrilled to be working with our EL Coyotes this year. This is my first year at West Creek High School, and I bring 11 years of teaching experience. My husband, Cris, and I have five children and a Border Collie named Roy. Fun fact about my family, we all go by our middle names! In my spare time, I enjoy reading, attending concerts, and learning languages on Duolingo. I look forward to watching all my students learn and grow this year! If you have any questions, please don't hesistate to reach out via email, Parent Square, or phone.
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  • We will arrive on time. 
  • We will listen to understand.  
  • We will work hard in class.
  • We will not be on our cell phones.
  • We will be respectful to one another.

Classroom Books